Call Us: (1) 416 - 558 - 1088 Email: info@musicm.ca More models are in the showroom
Store Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 10am- 7pm Saturday: 10am - 6pm Sunday: 1-5pm Monday by appointment
Services and Repairs
For Shipping and delivery
$18.90 shipping fee is only applicable for small sized instruments like guitar and violin for within GTA. Shipping cost for bigger instruments like digital piano, cello, drums, etc. may vary according to shipping address.
Regulating Check List (for Upright Pianos)
(Our experts will perform these services)
Check the letoff rail
Check the damper lift rod
Check the hammer butts
Check the hammers to the strings (align the height)
Check the jacks to the hammer butts
Check and square the backchecks
Check and space the keys
Check the hammer stroke
Check lost motion
Check the key height
Check the white keys
Check the sharp keys
Check hammer letoff
Check white key dip
Check hammer checking
Check sharp key dip
Check the sustaining pedal
Check the dampers to the lift rod
Check the damper spoons
Check the soft pedal
Check the bridal straps
Check cosmetics / paint
Check the sound board
Check the tuning pins
Tuning Completed
Basic Repair
All instruments should be assessed before accepting for repair.
Beginner instruments only.
Change of Strings
Acoustic Guitar: Labour $13 + Strings
Classical Guitar: Labour $19 + Strings
Electric Guitar: Labour $19 + Strings
Bass Guitar: Labour $13 + Strings
Ukulele: Labour $12 + Strings
Violin: Labour $12 + Strings
Viola: Labour $12 + Strings
Cello: Labour $12 + Strings
Bridge and Saddle Replacement
Acoustic/Classical Guitar: Labour $15 + Saddle
Ukulele: Labour $15 + Saddle
Violin: Labour $25 + Bridge
Viola: Labour $25 + Bridge
Cello: Labour $25 + Bridge
Install Guitar Pickup
Labour from $29 + Pickup
String Action Setup
Acoustic Guitar: $18
Classical Guitar: $18
Electric Guitar: $25
Tuning Pegs
Trim to fit the original pegs
Violin: $10/Peg
Viola: $10/Peg
Cello: $10/Peg
New Pegs/Tuning Machine
Acoustic/Classical Guitar: Labour $15 + Tuning Machine
Violin: Labour $20 + Pegs
Viola: Labour $20 + Pegs
Cello: Labour $20 + Pegs
Sound post Setting
Violin: From $25, $9 for reset
Viola: From $25, $9 for reset
Cello: From $25, $9 for reset
Woodwind Adjustments
Minor key adjustments
Flute: From $9
Clarinet: From $9
Saxophone: From $9
Brass Adjustments
Stuck valves and slides. For other problems please contact.
Trumpet: From $29
Trombone: From $29
French Horn: From $29